Teacher Appreciation DayUsing a scroll to tell a storyA pure heart is like a mirror. Children use tissues to remove the dried cleaning paste so that the light will reflect clearly. Like purifying our hearts with prayer.Oneness of Religion (see instructions below)Oneness of religion (see image above)Try breaking one stick. Then try breaking them all at once.Personalised prayer booksVirtues Spotting (instructions below)Virtues Spotting (instructions )Virtues Spotting (gift to the school P&C)Virtues Spotting (appreciation)Learning a prayer. One line per lesson and creating a booklet.Craft ideas found in a booklet.Showing reverence for Holy Scriptures (see image below)Showing reverence for Holy Scriptures (see instructions above)Using a tape measure, mirrors, stickers, blu-tack and a torch to make a timeline of Messengers of God.Clearer image of timelineSometimes you have to dig deep in the mine to discover someone’s “gems” (virtues).Positive and negative forces. Stretch the elastic then let go of the negative forces.Class settling by watching the clock second-hand for one minute while playing relaxing music.Keeping track of rewards and warnings. The little squares with names are magnetic. They start on the path. If misbehave once then they are off the path. Twice they are on the fence. Third time they are out. Caution – this make a kindergarten girl cry.Song book for Vacation CareMemorising a quote “Truthfulness is the foundation…” Decode on bottom right.Outdoor exercise to see how things, and God, can be invisible but real.Stories presented as a book to colour and take home. (front)Stories presented as a book to colour and take home. (back)In schools there are not many opportunities to talk to the parents. This booklet, discussed with and coloured by the children and taken home, presents concepts from Ruhi Book 6 “Anna’s presentation”.This helped the children choose what songs to sing, from among those they had learnt. The songbook was compiled by Sein Yeang Chew for the Malabar class.Story-telling preparationThe story – memory jogger.Props used while telling the story.Discussion questions prepared in advance.Learning a prayer. The little circles are for stickers when a student has memorised a sentence.My preparation for introducing children’s classes to parents.